Paul Krugman escribe un lúcido artículo en el New York Times hoy:

(…) The people who sold us this war continue to insist that success is just around the corner, and that things would be fine if the media would just stop reporting bad news. But the administration has declared victory in Iraq at least four times. January’s election, it seems, was yet another turning point that wasn’t.

Yet it’s very hard to discuss getting out. Even most of those who vehemently opposed the war say that we have to stay on in Iraq now that we’re there.

In effect, America has been taken hostage. Nobody wants to take responsibility for the terrible scenes that will surely unfold if we leave (even though terrible scenes are unfolding while we’re there). Nobody wants to tell the grieving parents of
American soldiers that their children died in vain. And nobody wants to be accused, by an administration always ready to impugn other people’s patriotism, of stabbing the troops in the back. (…)

Básicamente, Estados Unidos está en una posición imposible. La violencia no cesará en Irak, mal que les pese, mientras estén allí. Tienen 150.000 soldados perdidos en un desierto sin ningún horizonte de salida. El problema es que en el momento que se vayan, el país se irá a hacer gárgaras en un par de días, metiéndose mínimo en una guerra civil espantosa, y si las cosas van realmente mal, con Irán entrando en escena. O se cambia la estrategia, dando una idea clara de lo que se pretende, o se han cargado un país para nada.

Y esto viniendo de alguien que en 2000 prometió no más nation building ni cosas estilo Somalia…

Nota al margen
: enlazo el NYT
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