Wired publica un artículo esta semana preguntándose cuál es / debería ser el estatuto legal de las bitácoras en internet aquí en Estados Unidos. Los periodistas gozan de unas protecciones especiales para que les sea posible ejercer su trabajo de manera independiente… ¿deben los chicos del teclado estar cubiertos igualmente?

Over the past eight months, bloggers have covered two political conventions; claimed credit for forcing the resignations of two prominent journalists (soon-to-be former CBS news anchor Dan Rather, ex-CNN news chief Eason Jordan); outed a conservative faker with a taste for gay porn credentialed to cover the White House; and risen from relative obscurity to media darling. They’ve done this while attracting impressive levels of web traffic (and advertising dollars) and conjuring up a cottage
industry and community devoted largely to, well, themselves.

Now, with two reporters from established news organizations facing jail time for defying an order to divulge confidential sources to a federal grand jury, bloggers are clamoring for the same legal protection that journalists are accorded under the First Amendment.

Echadle un ojo, es bastante interesante.

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