Hemeroteca Lorem Ipsum - Materias Grises

Si no puedes con tu enemigo, unete contra él

30 Nov, 2004 - - @egocrata

Lo que predica el título o algo parecido es lo que han ideado los de Lycos. Leo en Arstechnica que han creado un screensaver que va intentar hacer la vida un poco más imposible a los que se dedican al spam, ya que va intentar aumentar el tráfico de las páginas web que utilizan el spam para anunciarse, con lo que representa que aumentaran también los costes para estas empresas (ya que sobrepasaran el límite de tráfico contratado). A ver si así se reduce la cantidad de spam que tenemos que soportar día a día en nuestros buzones.

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  1. nope dice:


    I’m sorry for being intrusive in to your blog. But I am Melissa and I am a mother of two that is just trying to get out of an incredible financial debt. See my hubby is away in Iraq trying to protect this great country that we live in, and I am at home with our two kids telling bill collectors please be patiant. When my husband returns from war we will beable to catch up on our payments. We have already had are 2001 Ford repossessed from the bank, and are now down to a 83 buick that is rusted from front to back and the heater don’t work, and tire tax is due in November.

    I’m not asking for your pitty because we got our ownselfs into this mess but we would love you and thank you in our prayers if you would just keep this link on your blog for others to view.

    God Bless You.

    Melissa K. W.
    To see my family view this page. My Family

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  2. honda suv dice:

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    I have been doing hours of research on «suv» and it brought me to your blog on Si no puedes con tu enemigo, unete contra él. Anyways, Groucho Marx I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.

    Keep blogging away 🙂

  3. Iza Roberto dice:

    Dear administrator:

    Some of our comments above may include links that are no longer valid or that do not have a nofollow value. They might very well lead you today to a third party. Therefore,
    I ask you, if you would be so kind, to please delete or disregard those

    Many thanks and best wishes,

    Iza, Roberto Iza

    Muy Señores Míos:

    Algunos de nuestros comentarios incluyen vínculos rotos que bien pudieran llevar hoy a una tercera persona. Por tanto, le rogamos, por favor, que los deseche o desestime.

    Gracias y recuerdos

    Iza, Roberto Iza

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